Thursday, 25 August 2011

Tuesday Night Run - 23/08/2011

I hadn't intended to run given the state of my ankle, and the fairly intense intervals session I'd done on the bike at the gym at 4pm, but felt I needed to... as it turned out I had a really good run and was glad I'd made the effort.

Numbers were down a bit this week, no doubt due to the Ragleth Race the next day, but three of us who'd run at Sedbergh did turn out.

We went up through the Rectory Wood and down the ramp into CMV, then climbed steeply behind the bungalow to the golf course. There's a good cart track leading up through the course to the fence corner under Haddon Hill, which was the next target. Once on top someone (Terry or Andy) floated the idea of going to Shooting Box and then down the Coates Cottage track, then coming back up the Hike descent route to the cross paths just north of Pole Bank. The reascent is on nice soft grassy ground and is at that horrible gradient where you have to put the effort in to run rather than do a walking ascent. There are a couple of short steeper sections too...

From the cross paths, we headed down towards the top of Townbrook Valley and on down the path back to the Rectory Wood and the car park. I took it steady on the way down to spare my ankle a bit!

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