Sunday, 25 September 2011

Townbrook on Tuesday - 20/09/2011

Tonight's excitement centred around the Townbrook Valley. 20 of us headed up through Rectory Woods and up the valley to reach the col between Yearlet and Long Synalds where we regrouped. The next leg took us to Boiling Well, where there was a conflab as one or two had forgotten their head torches and it was starting to get dark. We sorted it out and decided to stick to easy ground, heading down the track towards Medlicott (at 8 min/mile pace!), before turning sharply back on ourselves to climb the Long Mynd Hike trod up to Pole Cottage. From here we headed down via the green path.

Tom Naomi and I actually stopped at the top of the wood and did some warm down stretches.

I felt good on this one and was at or near the front most of the time, which was a little alarming given what I had planned for the rest of the week...

Stats at the top of the map; actual running time was more like 1hr 26mins.

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